The books in the library are shelved by Dewey Decimal Classification (like what is used in most school and public libraries). Sometimes you can find books you did not know about by browsing the shelves. The books in Engineering & Computer Science are generally shelved under the following numbers:
- 000 Computer Science, Information, and General Works
- 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems
- 000 Computer science, information, general works
- 001 Knowledge
- 002 The book
- 003 Systems
- 004-006 Computer science; software development, software, data; special computer methods
- 620 Engineering
- 620 Engineering and allied operations
- 621 Applied physics
- 622 Mining and related operations
- 623 Military and nautical engineering
- 624 Civil engineering
- 625 Engineering of railroads and roads
- 627 Hydraulic engineering
- 628 Sanitary engineering
- 629 Other branches of engineering
- 660 Chemical engineering
- 660 Chemical engineering and related technologies
- 661 Technology of industrial chemicals
- 662 Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
- 663 Beverage technology
- 664 Food technology
- 665 Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
- 666 Ceramic and allied technologies
- 667 Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
- 668 Technology of other organic products
- 669 Metallurgy
- Construction of Buildings
- 690 Construction of buildings
- 691 Building materials
- 692 Auxiliary construction practices
- 693 Construction in specific types of materials and for specific purposes
- 694 Wood construction
- 695 Roof covering
- 696 Utilities
- 697 Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering
- 698 Detail finishing