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ATU Writer
ATU Writer 2019 is a collection of essays written by Tech students in English Comp I classes and edited by Nancy Cox, instructor of English. These are arranged by mode: three-point enumeration, narration, description, process, division and classification, definition, comparison/contrast, and argumentation. Read them to get inspired or to understand better the structure in each mode.
Arkansas Tech Writing (Technical writing)
The Arkansas Tech Writing is a collection of works written by Technical Writing students in English 2053 classes and edited by . The book includes works edited under other Technical Writing professors. These works are classified into types, including, but not limited to, instruction set, analytic report, proposal letter, job application, and research report. Read them to get inspired or to understand better the structure in each type.
15th edition of the Arkansas Tech Writing, edited by Carl Brucker, professor of English.
14th edition of the Arkansas Tech Writing, edited by Carl Brucker, professor of English.
ATU Online Writing Lab
The ATU Online Writing Lab is a free course in Blackboard. Follow these
instructions to enroll.
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