What Is

and How It Works

is the
Tech library search engine. Watch a
4-minute video to understand how it works.
Use the search box to find books, videos, and scholarly articles from all of the library’s collections, including online databases. Since it is possible to search across many different kinds of material in all subjects, this is a great place to begin the research process.
Database Help
What Is a Database?
A database is an organized collection of electronically stored data. The library databases often include tools, facets, and filters for easy search, retrieval, and sharing of content. Some are material specific (full-text articles, ebooks, streaming video, citations, etc.), some are subject specific (Biology, Nursing, Literature, Psychology, etc.). Some, like

, include access to many kinds of formats and subjects.
Limit to specific subjects or formats in the
A-Z Databases.
Some database providers offer only one database that is available through its own interface.
Some providers offer multiple databases through one unique interface (EBSCO, ProQuest, Gale...)
All major databases offer online videos and other documentation to help navigate and retrieve information. The
Database Help page lists all database help pages provided by the providers. The tutorials explain how to use the interface.
Citation, Writing, and Plagiarism
Perfect your writing through some online tools. Read essays that illustrate the many writing modes (narration, description, process, division and classification, definition...). Tech also offers a
writing lab: you get feedback and support when writing.
There are three major citation styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago. Learn how to use each accordingly to your classes.
Plagiarism is using someone else's ideas or words without giving proper credit.
Read or view a short video to learn in more details what is and how to avoid plagiarism.
Off-campus Access to Library Digital Resources
If you are part of the Tech community, you have access to all our digital resources. However, off-campus locations such as home, high school, or office may encounter difficulties. Manage your connection through an easy test. Call us if it still does not work.
Report a Digital Resource Access Problem
You should have access to all our digital resources. However, you may encounter a problem.
Let us know what does not work and we will do all we can to help you and fix the problem.