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About the Festival
(Scroll within the theater screen.)
8 movies in original language
4 languages: Spanish, Japanese, German, and French
3 weeks: March 4 - 19, 2025
Offer a glimpse of other cultures and ways of life.
Foster an open-minded global cultural identity.
Enjoy talented actors and directors from around the world.
Extend your sociology, anthropology, and language courses.
Sponsoring and Endorsement
Created and sponsored by the Ross Pendergraft Library
Endorsed by the English and World Languages Department
Doc Bryan Auditorium
Movie Selection
World Languages faculty
IFF Talk
The IFF Talk is a free conversation on themes and topics illustrated in the movie and taking place just after the movie.
The themes and topics are presented before the viewing, allowing the viewer to discover them through the movie and then share their points of view during the Talk.
Organizer and Website Conception & Design
Philippe Y. Van Houtte, Systems Librarian and Instructor of French
Free and open to the university community