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LC-2025-01: Tech Library

The Library Connection

February 2025
November 2024 calendar image
Library Happenings
  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 6 p.m., RPL 300A: Dr. Lynnette Gilbert on African American Women in Art
  • Thursday, February 27, TBD: 100th Anniversary as a Depository Library in the Federal Depository Library Program
Journal Citation Metrics
Spotlight: Democracy in America
Experience the digital edition of Francis Bowen’s first English translation of Tocqueville's Democracy in America, with links to cited sources and source materials, as well as select Tocqueville scholarship published over the last century and a half.
In addition to the original translation, your students will have access to the full text of original documents, translations, related works, scholarly articles, and an online subject guide.
Democracy in America is part of HeinOnline’s U.S. Academic Core +, a fully searchable, image-based government document and legal research database.
Generative AI Insights beta
Generative AI in EBSCO
You may have noticed a new feature called “Generate AI Insights beta” in some of our EBSCO databases. Selecting this option will generate a plain language, short synopsis for many article and eBook results featured in selected EBSCO databases. The “Generate AI Insights beta” button will appear on your initial search results page, directly next to either the “Access Options” or the "Access Now (PDF)" button.
For more information including videos, lists of available databases, and more, visit the Ebsco AI Insights Summary page.
You can also take it for a test drive today by searching our most popular Ebsco database, Academic Search Complete.
Book cover
International Music
Take a deep dive into the music and humanly organized sound that exist beyond the shores of the United States of America.
The library offers a wealth of resources from books to compact discs to DVDs to streaming resources. You will find media not suggested by your Spotify or YouTube feed, which is based on an algorithm that assumes or reinforces prior listening and viewing choices. For example: The other classical musics : fifteen great traditions, The Ongaku masters : an anthology of Japanese classical music, Beginner’s Guide to World Grooves, The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Middle East & Africa vol. I, and much more.
Lynette Gilbert
African American Women in Art
Bring yourself and your students to hear a talk by Dr. Lynnette Gilbert, Assistant Professor of Art at Arkansas Tech. She is the director of the Art Education Program. Dr. Gilbert taught African American Art History and a seminar, Women in Art, as well as studio art classes.
This event will take place on February 18, 2025 at 6 PM at the Ross Pendergraft Library & Technology Center room 300A.
100th Year of FDLP at RPL
100 Years as a Federal Depository Library!
On Thursday, February 27th, the Ross Pendergraft Library & Technology Center is celebrating its 100th Anniversary of ATU joining the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).
The Ross Pendergraft Library & Technology Center has been one of those for 100 years.
The primary mission of our federal documents collection is to support the University’s curricula and the needs of the surrounding community. Today, most of the library’s recent federal documents are available electronically through Find It!, but an extensive collection of documents is also available to check out in Compact Shelving on the second floor of the library.
Check out our Government Documents webpage for more information about the library’s collection and the FDLP program.
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Trouble Accessing Library Resources from Home?
You cannot access library databases if you are already connected to your U-Drive through the GlobalProtect VPN. The database providers will ask for a user name and a password within the database (not your Tech user name and password). To access those resources, you must disconnect from GlobalProtect.
EBSCO has upgraded their online interface. To avoid issues, clean your cache: your browser may still have some remaining data from the old interface.
Use Chrome Incognito or Firefox Private Browsing to not keep any history or sensitive information.
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Volume 3, Issue 1

The Library Connection
Volume 3, Issue 1

Ross Pendergraft Library & Technology Center
Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, Arkansas