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Teaching Middle Level: RefWorks


                                               If you already have an account: ->


Use Your Tech email:

start using RefWorks screen shot








Create a new password, NOT connected to Tech password.

     ref works password screenshot











Go to your Tech email and open activation email. 

 email sent screenshot








You are able to proceed without opening this email. 

You will be asked for some basic information when you get into your account. 

1. In your RefWorks account, go to Create Bibliography

2. Click on Create Bibliography from the next menu as well

3. Click the blue button that says Copy to Clipboard & then open a new Word document and paste there. 









These directions are for use with Google Chrome browser. First make sure that your bookmark bar is visible. If not use ctrl+shift+b to display.ctl + shift + b


On the RefWorks home page click tools in menu bar and click then choose Tools ​again

Tools in menu


click on tools

Click Install Save to RefWorks button.

Then drag & drop into bookmark bar. 

drag and drop in toolbar

Go to Google Scholar and login to your Google Account

google scholar login to google account

Click on Settings


Change the Bibliography Manager to RefWorks & Save

save bib manager to refworks

This will create an export to RefWorks option within your search results. 

highlights "import to RefWorks in google scholar results

Continue within the Settings to add Tech as your Library this way links to the library's database with full text article will appear next to the result. 

google scholar with links to tech full text

In Settings select Library Links from left sidebar and type in Arkansas Tech. When on campus it will automatically find Tech articles because of the IP address. 

select tech as your library