Fundamentals of Nursing Care by Marti Burton; David W. SmithCall Number: 2 Hour Course Reserves - Ask at Circulation Desk 610.73 B87d, 2023
LEARN-APPLY-ASSESS Davis Advantage for Fundamentals of Nursing Care is a complete, integrated solution that combines a student-focused textbook with interactive, personalized learning, clinical judgment, and quizzing assignments to engage students, help them make the connections to key topics, and prepare them for the Next Gen NCLEX®. An access code inside new, printed textbooks unlocks access to Davis Advantage as well as an ebook. TEXTBOOK Written specifically for LPNs/LVNs, the text provides the foundational knowledge they need to understand. A comprehensive approach to care promotes critical thinking and clinical judgment to teach students how to 'think like a nurse' from the very first day. Clear, concise, readable, well organized, and easy to follow, it's the text that prepares new nurses to "make the connections" and practice safely. ONLINE (DAVIS ADVANTAGE) Using a unique and proven approach across a Learn-Apply-Assess continuum, Davis Advantage engages students to help them make the connections to key topics. Whether teaching in-person or online, this complete solution aligns seamlessly with the textbook and equips instructors with actionable analytics to track students' progress, remediate where needed, and facilitate an active learning environment. LEARN--Personalized Learning Personalized Learning, immerses students in an online learning experience tailored to their individual needs. Students are assessed on their comprehension of key topics from the text, and then are guided through animated mini-lecture videos and interactive activities to engage students, reinforce learning, and bring concepts to life. APPLY--Clinical Judgment Clinical Judgment develops students' critical thinking and clinical reasoning, helping them to build the clinical judgment skills they need to practice safe and effective nursing care and to prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX® with confidence. Progressive case studies align with the new Next Gen NCLEX & NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement model and feature real-life, complex clinical situations that challenge students to apply knowledge, make informed decisions, and evaluate outcomes. ASSESS--Quizzing Quizzing uses thousands of NCLEX-style questions for assessment and remediation. Its adaptive, question-based format provides the additional practice students need to test their knowledge, master course content, and perform well on course exams and the NCLEX. PLUS! Brand-new Next Gen NCLEX stand-alone questions provide students with even more practice answering the new item types. Expanded & Updated! Thoroughly updated to reflect the art and the science of LPN/LVN practice as well as the newest evidence and changes in health care. New! "Clinical Judgment in Action" boxes ask students to consider the current situation, prioritize and describe the actions they would take, and explain why. New! Clinical Judgment and its terminology appear in the first chapter, introducing the concepts to students who are at the beginning of their nursing education. New! Focus on cultural competency New! Discussions on the social determinants of health plus additional content in Chapter 7, Promoting Health and Wellness Expanded! Coverage of infection control and PPE