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LC-2024-09: Tech Library

The Library Connection

September 2024
September 2024 calendar image
Library Happenings
  • Monday September 9, 2024, 4pm, RPL 300A: Library 101 for Undergraduates
  • Tuesday September 10, 2024, 5:50pm, RPL 332: Library Toolkit for Grad Students
  • Tuesday September 17, 2024, 6pm, RPL 300B: RPL Author Series - Jason Pederson presents his book: Somebody's Knocking: Lessons Learned from a Quarter Century of TV Reporting
Blackboard Ultra
Creating Reading Lists in Blackboard Ultra
Faculty can now create reading lists in their Blackboard courses by using one of the newly configured LTI linking tools. Advantages of using these tools include: no additional authentication for off-campus users, more accurate tracking of the library resources you find most valuable, and removing concerns about copyright.
From the Blackboard Content Market, select Ebsco Host or Proquest Platform to launch the LTI link tool. Use keywords from the citation to locate the item, then click the "Add item" button in Ebsco or the "Select this document" button in ProQuest to add the article to your Blackboard reading list.
Place Hold Button
Upgraded Service: Hold Request
The Library has expanded its Hold Request service to now include most physical items, regardless of availability.
Students, faculty, and staff can search our online catalog Find it…, select a title they would like to reserve, and then click the “Place Hold” button to initiate a Hold Request. We will retrieve your selection and hold it for you to pick up at the Russellville Campus Library Research Help Desk or the Ozark Campus Library Circulation Desk at your convenience.
To learn more about this service, read our latest blog entry.
VR in action
Virtual Reality (VR) Experience
Have you ever wanted to try out VR, but without having to buy the gear?
The ATU Library has four VR kits available. You can borrow an Oculus Quest for one week or you can reserve the ATU Video Lab for three hours and have fun with the HTC Vive. Contact Lowell Lybarger if you have any questions:
Library Workshops
Library Workshops
The library will offer two workshops for students in September. These sessions will help your students succeed in your classes. Feel free to print and post the flyers in your classroom.
Library 101 for Undergraduates will be Monday Sept. 9, at 4 pm in RPL 300A. This session will introduce students to the library’s vast resources and guide them through the research process using electronic resources.
Library Toolkit for Grad Students will be Tuesday Sept. 10, at 5:30 pm RPL 332. This session will review the available databases and introduce RefWorks, our reference management tool.
For more information contact Sherry Tinerella,, 479-964-0571.
Library Depository of USA Government Documents Logo
Government Documents in the Library
When looking for library resources for your classes, don’t forget about government documents!
The Ross Pendergraft Library has been a Federal Depository Library for over 99 years. We hold physical and electronic material, including Presidential and Congressional papers, Federal Census data, NASA publications, and Agricultural yearbooks.
Current government documents are primarily available in electronic format, while physical documents are arranged by SuDoc number (organized by government agencies) in the second-floor compact shelving. For more information about finding government documents, the FDLP, and other government resources, check out our United States Government Information research guide.
Librarians and Staff Webpage
Know your Librarians
The Library wants to offer the best and most personalized services to everyone, including new faculty and new students. And since it is always better to associate a name with a face, the Library has implemented a new contact page that includes a photo of most who work in the Library.
Do not hesitate to contact your subject librarian for any library needs including class library tours, class instructions, new item orders, or anything library related.
Volume 2, Issue 4

The Library Connection
Volume 2, Issue 4

Ross Pendergraft Library & Technology Center
Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, Arkansas