Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service that locates and obtains books, articles, & audio/visual items that are not part of Tech's collections. Available to currently enrolled students, staff, & faculty whose library account is in good standing.
Sign in with your Tech username and password.
Use WorldCat, a catalog of books available in libraries all over the world, to find books not found at Tech. Use the information to request items.
ARKLink is a group of college and university libraries in Arkansas who share library resources with students of member libraries. Click above for more information and participating libraries.
Cards are available to Tech students, faculty, and staff whose library accounts are in good standing. They are valid for one semester. Go to Circulation Desk with your ID to pick one up OR use the button below and a card will be issued and mailed OR email
The books in the library are shelved by Dewey Decimal Classification (like what is used in most school and public libraries). Sometimes you can find books you did not know about by browsing the shelves. The books in the biological sciences are shelved under the following numbers:
570 Biology
580 Plants
590 Animals (Zoology)
Search Library FAQs
Contact the Campus Support Center about problems with Blackboard, network access (WiFi, T drive), email, Microsoft 365.
The Campus Support Center is located in the Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center, Room 150.
Phone: 479.968.0646
Toll Free: 866.400.8022
Need help finding resources in this subject? Contact Carol Hanan at for assistance.