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Primary Sources for History: RefWorks


refworks link button

RefWorks is a web-based bibliography and resource manager that allows you to create your own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases and other various sources. You can use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.

Use your Tech email

start using RefWorks screen shot     







Create a new password, NOT connected to Tech password.

     ref works password screenshot











Go to your Tech email and open activation email. 

 email sent screenshot








You are able to proceed without opening this email. 

You will be asked for some basic information when you get into your account. 

Use this YouTube link to access the video channel for this product. The 20 minute video is divided into smaller 1 and 2 minute segments for specific functions and features. 

RefWorks Export from Library Databases

There are options to export the citation information including a link to the material, in nearly every database that the library subscribes to. The link may be named export, save, or cite.  Here are some examples of the most popular vendor databases.

Click on the tab to see the different interfaces of the library's most used databases. 

clip art of globe, gears and electronic devices

Databases are created by vendors like Ebsco, ProQuest, and Gale. These vendors each produce dozens of unique databases that the library subscribes to. 

Not every database has the capability to export directly to RefWorks. Here are some known issues:

  • Ovid - saves in a format that requires more steps
  • Find it... - results in find it... can be sent to RefWorks without a link back to the source
  • Publisher sites - use the "Save to RefWorks" button


Ebsco screenshot export to refworks

Click image to enlarge. 

proquest export refworks screenshot

Click image to enlarge. 

gale opposing viewpoints export to refworks screenshot

Click image to enlarge.

Click images to enlarge. 

jstor export to refworks screenshot

cite this jstor send to refworks