All types of instruction can be done via Webex. Due to the capacity limits in the classrooms, Webex would be the ideal format.
Basic Instruction - the purpose of this session is for students to be able to:
Information Literacy
ACRL Frameworks
AAC&U Value Rubric
Research Instruction - the purpose of this session is to refresh and build on the basic instruction goals as well as for students to be able to:
Information Literacy
ACRL Frameworks
AAC&U Value Rubric
Workshop for Students - You may request a workshop for your students to be held outside of class time. You can choose a specific skill or focus area for the workshop.
Workshop for Faculty - Get your colleagues together and we can set up a time and place for your group to get an update on new databases, tools, and features available:
Individual Sessions - Students and faculty can request a one on one appointment with a librarian. Faculty may want to suggest or require students to do this if you feel that the particular student would benefit more from such a session. The goal would be to help students develop strategies for their individual research needs. Faculty are welcome to do so as well.
These do not need to be on this calendar.
To document this type of meeting use: LibAnswers >RefAnalytics >Add Transaction
These sessions do not involve any instruction. These are simply meant to introduce students to services and resources available and to connect a human face to the library. Highly recommended for First Year Experience classes (Tech 1001, CSP 1013, etc.)
Overview - a 15 - 20 minute overview of library service and materials. No instruction is given the purpose of this session is to let students know what is available to them and where to go for help.
Tour - 15 - 20 minute walk through the library describing services and location
Overview with a Tour - This is the same type of session as the above except the class is taken through the actual library before the session. The two together take roughly 30 minutes.