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Use databases such as Mergent Online, ABI/INFORM, Business Source Complete, Hoover's Company Profiles, and Value Line to find company information like profiles, SWOT analyses, valuations, employee size, and more.

Find Company Profiles with Business Source Complete

Business Source Complete, includes over 1.1 million company profiles. 

Start by opening the database Business Source Complete.  [Off-campus users may have to login using their Tech username and password].

Basic company information, such as financials, industry classification, and executives can be found by selecting  "Company Information" from top of the page.

Search for companies or browse the alphabetical lists.

More detailed reports from MarketLine (formerly Datamonitor) containing company history, top competitors, and SWOT analyses can be found in the "Company Profiles" section.  Business Source Complete contains over 10,000 reports from MarketLine.

Go to "More", then "Company Profiles" to access these reports.

Find Company Information with ValueLine

Valueline is an investment advisory service that contains financial and historical information about 1700 publicly traded companies.  It is most commonly used as a tool to select stocks and view company strengths and safety ratings as an investment.  However, Valueline can be a quick way to find the most current company financials, quarterly earnings, sales, and some industry analysis.

Search by company name or stock ticker.

A chart of financial strength of

A chart of sales