HeinOnline is a fully searchable, image-based government document and legal research database.
Resources contained in HeinOnline’s U.S. Academic Core+
Acts of the Parliament of Canada (Annual Statutes) | LGBTQ+ Rights |
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) | Military and Government |
Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Documents Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 | Military Legal Resources (U.S. Army JAG School) |
Brennan Center for Justice Publications at NYU School of Law | NOMOS: American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy |
Business and Legal Aspects of Sports and Entertainment (BLASE) | Open Society Justice Initiative |
Civil Rights and Social Justice | Pentagon Papers |
Code of Federal Regulations | Religion and the Law |
COVID-19: Pandemics Past and Present | Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies |
Criminal Justice & Criminology | Session Laws Library |
Democracy in America | Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law |
Executive Privilege | State Statutes: A Historical Archive |
Fastcase Premium | U.S. Code |
Federal Register Library | U.S. Congressional Documents |
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) | U.S. Congressional Serial Set |
GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions | U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals |
Gun Regulation and Legislation in America | U.S. Federal Legislative History Library |
History of Capital Punishment | U.S. Presidential Impeachment Library |
History of International Law | U.S. Presidential Library |
History of Supreme Court Nominations | U.S. Statutes at Large |
John F. Kennedy Assassination Collection | U.S. Supreme Court Library |
Law Academy Project | U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library |
Law Journal Library | Women and the Law (Peggy) |
Law Library of Congress Reports | World Constitutions Illustrated |
Legal Classics |
Collection of law journals, documents, and case studies.
Indexing for law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals.