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Information Literacy Resources: Home

Ross Pendergraft Library

Strategic Plan for Information Literacy


To enhance student success and retention across campus by providing the necessary research instruction, tools, and resources that promote critical thinking skills and develop students as efficient and effective users/creators of information.


The library faculty at RPL will lead campus efforts to:

  • Integrate Information Literacy (IL) components into the general education and subject curriculum.
  • Provide a repository of materials for faculty to easily incorporate into course work.
  • Provide a range of IL opportunities at strategic points within students’ college career
  • Provide equitable services for Distance Learning Students

Methods of Delivery

Face-2-face (f2f)

One-shot library instruction for classes

  • by instructor request


  • to serve Tech 1001 students (can fulfill Campus Visit requirement & Library coverage

Digital Components

  • Tools for faculty
    • Research Companion - IL video collection
    • RefWorks - resource management software
    • 250+ Subscription Databases
    • Learning Express - test prep database
    • infographics, short visual tutorials, instructional charts 

Create and curate a repository of materials ready for faculty use in Bb 

  • pull specific databases, ebooks, videos, and instruction for subjects based on course/instructor/program needs
  • librarian can be put as a course builder if needed

Distance Learning

  • modify these services for inclusion in eTech curriculum





  1. Collaborate with other departments to assess and implement necessary IL resources into other programs (examples: SSS Trio, Student Success, Registered Student Organizations)
  2. Collaborate with instructional faculty to assess and implement necessary IL tools for courses and/or assignments (examples: demonstrations of search strategies and use of resources, (tutorial or live), custom research guide)
  3. Collaborate with faculty support departments to increase faculty awareness of library resources and tools  (examples: Office of Assessment, CETL, Adjunct coordinators, Academic Affairs, New Faculty Orientation 
  4. Collaborate with instructional technology/design and university relations to develop and promote IL services and resources.